How to reduce your electricity bill to minimum?

The cost of electricity is increasing every year. Electricity bill is the major chunk of monthly expenses. In metro and Tier 3 cities the average cost of electricity is around Rs 10/ unit. This cost includes energy charges as well as all other charges such as wheeling charges, fuel adjustment charges, cross subsidy charges, regulatory asset charges (wherever applicable) and taxes.

Electricity price trend in India

Below chart shows the increasing trend of electricity prices for major categories of consumers.

If you are paying high electricity bill, then why not switch to solar?
Just install solar plant over your rooftop and reduce your electricity bill to Zero!!!

Net Metering Policy of India

Under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) the government of India has enacted a Net Metering policy applicable to all states of India. Under this policy, if you install the rooftop solar plant then electricity generated by solar plant equivalent to the units you consume daily will be bartered with your electricity supplier company and your bill will become zero.

Please refer below table showing how Net Metering works for Maharashtra. Same is applicable to all states of India.

There may be 3 scenarios which can happen in any month.

Scenario 1

In any month you have produced 500 units of electricity from solar plant which is fed to the grid (Export) and you have consumed 300 units of electricity from the electricity company (Import).

In this case you have produced 200 unit more electricity from solar plant than you have consumed. Your bill become zero and the extra 200 units will be credited in your next month bill.

Scenario 2

In subsequent month you have produced 300 units of electricity from solar plant (due to bad sunshine) which is fed to the grid (Export) and you have consumed 600 units of electricity from the electricity company (Import).

In this case you have consumed 300 unit more electricity than you have produced from your solar plant. You have 200 units credit in your bill. Your net consumption for this month will be 300 – 200 = 100 units. You will pay electricity bill of 100 units only.

Scenario 3

In subsequent month you have produced 400 units of electricity from solar plant which is fed to the grid (Export) and you have consumed 300 units of electricity from the electricity company (Import).

In this case you have produced 100 units more electricity than you have consumed from your electricity company. Your bill become zero and the extra 100 units will be credited in your next month bill.

With above example, it is evident that by installing rooftop solar plant equivalent to your average daily requirement of electricity, you can make your electricity bill Zero!

If still you are not clear and require more assistance, give us a call or drop a message. We would love to get in touch with you and assist you in getting the solar plant feasibility study done.

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