Solar Services

Ashone’s grid-tied systems connect to the public utility grid, offering balance and efficiency, while our off-grid systems are ideal for remote areas, utilizing battery storage for energy autonomy.
Our solar systems comprise high-quality solar panels, efficient inverters, connectivity with the grid, and for off-grid systems, robust batteries and charge controllers.
Ashone’s solar systems come with a 25-years warranty, reflecting their long-lasting performance, though many components often exceed this lifespan with proper maintenance.
Our team expertly navigates the permitting process, ensuring all installations meet local regulations and standards for a hassle-free experience.
We offer competitive pricing and flexible financing options, including loans and EMI plans, to make solar accessible to a wider range of clients.
Ashone guides commercial and industrial clients to get depreciation benefits on total cost of solar plant and availing subsidy for residential clients and tax credits, maximizing the financial benefits of going solar.
Absolutely. With substantial savings on electricity bills and increased property value, investing in solar with Ashone offers a solid return on investment.
Our experts assess your energy needs and property specifications to design a solar system that perfectly fits your requirements and maximizes efficiency.


Energy Conservation

Energy conservation involves reducing energy wastage. It’s crucial for lowering costs, reducing environmental impact, and promoting sustainable use of resources.
By implementing energy-efficient technologies and optimizing existing systems, Ashone helps significantly reduce energy consumption, thus lowering utility bills.
The first step is a comprehensive energy audit. Ashone conducts detailed assessments to identify areas where energy can be saved and efficiency can be improved.
Our energy audits involve analyzing your current energy use, inspecting facilities, and identifying inefficiencies. We then recommend tailored solutions to enhance energy efficiency.
Energy conservation plays a key role in reducing environmental impact and aligns with sustainable practices, enhancing a company’s CSR profile.
Yes, Ashone’s energy conservation solutions are versatile and can be customized for various buildings, from residential to industrial facilities.
We use a range of technologies, including LED lighting, smart thermostats, energy-efficient appliances, and advanced HVAC systems.
Results can be seen relatively quickly, often within a few billing cycles, as reduced energy consumption leads to lower utility bills.
Ashone provides ongoing support and training to ensure clients understand and maintain their energy conservation systems effectively.
We assist clients in availing relevant incentives and rebates offered by government and other organizations for energy conservation efforts.


Electrical Consultation

Ashone’s consultancy covers comprehensive services, including system design, compliance consultation, project management, and safety assessments.
Our consultancy identifies areas for improvement, suggests upgrades for efficiency and safety, and ensures compliance with current electrical standards.
Ashone’s consultants work on a wide range of projects, including commercial buildings, industrial setups, and specialized electrical infrastructures.
We adhere to strict quality control standards, employ certified professionals, and use cutting-edge technology to ensure the highest safety and quality in our electrical designs.
Absolutely. Our consultancy services aim to enhance system efficiency, leading to significant energy and cost savings.
Engagement begins with a consultation to understand your needs, followed by a detailed proposal, project planning, and execution with continual support.
Our team regularly undergoes training and stays abreast of industry advancements to ensure our services align with the latest standards and technologies.
Our consultants are highly qualified, holding relevant degrees and certifications, and possess extensive experience in the electrical engineering field.
Yes, we focus on sustainable solutions, including energy-efficient designs and eco-friendly materials, to reduce environmental impact.
Expert electrical consultancy ensures efficiency, safety, compliance, and cost-effectiveness, all of which are crucial for the success of any project.