Do you know Existing Thermal and Nuclear power plants are creating pollution and Global warming?

One of the traditional sources of electricity generation is Thermal power plant. The primary source of fuel in such plants are coal, oil, and natural gas. Burning of coal, oil and natural gas in Thermal power plant is giving out emission of harmful gases in the environment. Mainly Carbon dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, Methane and Nitrous oxide gases are released in the air. Burning of Coal and oil produces ash particles which adds to air pollution.

Nuclear power plants are using radioactive material such as Uranium -235 and Plutonium -239. These radioactive materials are used to create chain reaction in controlled environment to generate heat. The heat generated by this fission reaction is used to generate electricity.

There is Catastrophic risk associated with Nuclear plants. Release of radioactive material in the environment poses a tremendous hazard to human and environment. The 1979 Three Mile Island accident and 1986 Chernobyl disaster are some great examples of Catastrophic Risk associated with Nuclear power plants.

World population is growing at the rate of 1.1% or 83 million per annum. The world population has grown from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.774 billion in 2020. The increase in population is demanding more energy to survive. This increasing demand in population is resulting in more burning of coal, oil and gas which further adds to pollution and global warming.

Impact of Air pollution

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified climate change as one of the greatest health threats of 21st Century, and air pollution as the single largest environmental health risk. Indoor and outdoor air pollution is responsible for an estimated 7 million deaths a year. Air pollution has therefore been identified as the 5th major risk factor in the latest political declaration of the United Nations General Assembly.

The ultimate causes of air pollution are the energy sources that currently drive our transport, electricity generation, industry, and food production systems. International Panel on Climate Change estimates that global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by transport (14%), energy including electricity generation (35%), industry (21%), agriculture and land use (24%) and buildings (6%).

World energy demand Below chart shows the world energy demand by fuel in the year 2018.    (Courtesy Wikipedia)

The chart clearly shows that 85% of energy demand are fulfilled by Coal, Oil and Natural gas. This is the ultimate reason for environmental pollution and global warming.

Researchers believe that around 150,000 deaths each year across the globe is attributed to global warming and the number may double by 2030 even if we start getting serious about emissions reductions today. (Courtesy World Health Organization (WHO), finding published in science journal, Nature).

All the governments around the world are taking steps to increase the generation of electricity through Renewable sources such as Solar and Wind energy.

International solar alliance (ISA), initiated by India is formed by including 121 countries. The primary objective of the alliance is work for exploitation of solar energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Present and future world energy scenario

Below is the present and proposed world energy scenario clearly showing the reduction of uses of fossil fuel and increase in Solar, wind and other renewable energies.

Picture courtesy (International Energy Agency IEA’s November 2019 issue World Energy Outlook 2019)

Future Outlook

All the governments around the world are taking steps to increase the generation of electricity through Renewable sources such as Solar and Wind energy.

International solar alliance (ISA), initiated by India is formed by including 121 countries. The primary objective of the alliance is work for exploitation of solar energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Adopting solar energy is the need of the hour. Switch to Solar to reduce the Global warming and save the future.

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